Sister Maggie had been interested in being a Sister ever since the inception of the Los Angeles House. I remember when Sister Candy Cide and Reverend Mother GladAss would often make a pilgrimage to San Francisoc to participate in various Sister events. When they would return, there would be a glow about them that I wanted to experience myself and to bring to my city. I wasn't able to get involved in the beginning, but I attended and assisted with as many S.P.I. events as I could. I became a regular at Absolutely Gay Bingo and the Bullet Beer Busts. Those early L.A. Sisters recognized me for my contribution and decided to make me a working Saint and St. Alana More was born with my coming. I became a postulant of the House in March of 1997, and in June of 1998 I received my black veil. I had finally reached my goal to become a fully-professed Sister! I want to continue to increase the Sisters' involvement with the Southern California Bear and leather communities. Our community is so compartmentalized that we need to do everything in our power to bring the various factions together. Being a Sister has given me a new family, and since our Order reaches around the globe, I now can find my extended family as closed as San Francisco, or as far away as Australia. Of that, I'm truly proud.